A Conversation With Tom Mills
Mixed media installation, flexi-foam, wood, screen, Starbucks cup
427 Gallery, Riga, Latvia
7/06 – 16/08/2019
Group show together with Botond Keresztesi, Emma Stern, Sandra Kosorotova, Tea Stražičić, Nick Zhu
Curated by Marta Trektere un Kaspars Groševs
The piece is a video installation and is based on a real story, which I unintentionally bought from a stranger on the street in Brussels. The main protagonist of the story is Tom Mills. Tom is studying business law at the University of Sydney, works a well-paid job and likes to travel. Finding himself in a difficult situation, the young man I meet on the street, is ready to use his erudition, talent, and charm, to ask for help from random passers-by to get back to Australia.